Monday 9 July 2012

Music Labels

this is a prezi on the different music lables. i have manly resreached the muci lable which are suitable for my mussic video. this is so i have a better understnading on what will need to be done for my music video.

My Cast

for my music video i have a great dance group who are willing to be in my dance group, this dance group has great talents and has been on the TV show Got To dance, this is and advangeat for me as they are performens.
here is the video for the performance of GTD
Another idea I have is I could is do something similar to what is done in the video of jugin ji, it is very simple and what have to end the whole thing very well. The video is in once location and shows the main singer and other co singer, dancing around and singing along, its very simple and it would be very hard to shoot once I get the right distance and angles.